6-Minute Bedtime Yoga Flow For Mamas
Save this short and doable, grounding yoga flow to do before bed! Excerpted from Mama Reset Member Class: Bedtime Yoga Flow.
Who doesn’t want a little help drifting off?
Soothing before-bed movemetn can just help you wring that last drop out of your system so you can really R E L A X and fall asleep more easily at the end of a stressful day.
PLUS, if you’re experiencing night-waking to empty your bladder, releasing your hips before bed might even help calm your pelvic floor muscles; when they’re calmer, they can handle the weight of your bladder better as it fills overnight, letting you sleep longer without interruptions to pee.
Spending just these 6 minutes to connect to your breath, release your hips and calm your mind will deliver a 1-2 punch for your emotional and physical health.
Bedtime Postpartum Yoga Flow
Keep Exploring
Start Getting Strong
