3-Minute Nighttime Hip Stretch For Mamas


Try This 3-Minute Hip Stretch Video To Ease Back & Hip Pain

Save this 3-minute follow-along video for a post-workout or post-workday release. Also perfect in front of Netflix at night. Mmmmmmmm…..

Back, hip, groin and pelvic floor pain are common pregnancy and postpartum complaints. Most mamas experience them from time to time due to injury or poor posture patterns.

The truth is, these intermittent, or sometimes chronic, stiffness and pain patterns don’t always stop when we’re ‘healed’ in postpartum. Our desk jockey work lives, car commutes, Netflix addictions and constant phone use tend to have us fixed in just a few positions for several hours per day.

When we don’t have a tonne of variety in our daily routines and sit for a large part of the day, certain muscles tend to stiffen and become quite inactive.

Case in point: the rotator muscles of your hips, which help to move the hips and knees inward and outward, keeping the pelvic floor and lower back muscles supple.

left: external rotation / right: internal rotation

image: runnersworld.com

No muscle or muscle group functions alone, so when we hear a mama is suffering with hip and back pain we don’t just look to the hip muscles themselves. We also want to see what is happening with her knees and feet transferring upstream to the hips, and with the neck, shoulders and upper back, transferring downstream to the hips.

That said, focusing on hip releases is a solid strategy in your mobility and stretching routine. Because the hips form a link to the upper body and lower body, they are key to your core and spinal health.

This stretch sequence focuses on hip rotation to alleviate tension and encourage the hip muscles to align themselves more optimally for better core & pelvic floor function, less pain and greater total body mobility.

3-Minute Nighttime Hip Rotation Sequence

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When Can I Run, Jump & Lift Weights In Postpartum?

When do you “graduate” from postpartum workouts and know you’re ready for heavy lifting, high impact and more intensity? Here’s how to know.

A quick google of the term “postpartum…”

What? don’t pretend you don’t google medical stuff, too!

A quick google of the term “postpartum” will have your head spinning.

Are you postpartum for the 6 weeks before your postpartum checkup?

Are you postpartum for the first 3 months after baby is born, aka the “fourth trimester?”

Are you postpartum for the year of infancy, about 12 months?

Or maybe you’ve encountered the #postpartumisforever trend on social media encouraging women to embrace the changes in their body, however long they may last?


When you move onto high-intensity training depends more on how you feel and less about the exact timeline since your little people were born.

Some mamas might feel ready to lift weights but not jump. Others might love running but feel back pain while attempting to lift heavy.

Understand your body is giving you feedback and use that feedback to adust intensity or exercises according to your needs that day.

Your best best? A qualified coach like our pal Reena Parekh, mama of 2 and co-creator of the Mama Reset Run Well program in our Membership.

Laura sat down for a chat with Reena about moving from mat work to barbells, jumping and running.

Learn the best way to start adding intensity and impact to your workouts, how to know when you’ve pushed too far and what “level” of core training is appropriate for you!

(Hint: when you’re ready to return to running or join that barbell class you’ll still need the core & pelvic floor training, moblility and strength work to support those new routines! Where better to get those supportive workouts than Mama Reset?)

Returning to high-intensity exercise and weightlifting in postpartum with Guest Expert Reena Parekh

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We're lifelong trainers and mom friends, and we're on a mission to help you hit reset on your relationship with exercise and start LOVING the way it feels to live in YOUR body!

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  1. 6-Minute Bedtime Yoga Flow For Moms - Mama Reset - […] 3-Minute Bedtime Hip Stretch […]
  2. Why you're extra stiff and sore in the pandemic - Mama Reset - […] 3-Minute Nighttime Stretch Video […]

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