Fire Up and “Feel” Your Glutes With This #MomButt Workout
Get ready to feel your glutes fired up like never before as Dara & Laura share SIX of their fave glute exercises for mamas in one fun workout.
Glute bridge. Squat. Lunge.
You probably know these exercises are important for your glutes. And if you’ve been following along here for some time, you know by now that your glutes are important for so many functions in your body, not just looking great in those mom jeans.
Maybe you’re already doing them but not “feeling” your butt muscles the way you’d like to.
And you might even have that classic sign of less-than-ideal mama posture:
Leaving you wondering where your glute muscles went when you gave birth?
Fear not. They’re in there! They may need to be coaxed into position and built up to their potential, but they’re ready to come through for you and do their job of stabilizing, strenghtening and mobilizing your hips, legs and core.
All you need to do? Work ’em!
The Best Glute Exercises For Mamas
You probably do versions of these exercises in your home workouts and fave classes:
1️⃣ Glute bridge
2️⃣ Half-kneeling get up (or lunge)
3️⃣ Clamshell
4️⃣ Sumo squat
5️⃣ Donkey kick
6️⃣ Deadlift
? But we bet there’s at least ONE exercise here you’ll improve after trying this video!
The power of movement done WELL, with core + pelvic floor coaching woven right in is that it’s not just effective. It’s EFFICIENT.
And mama, we know you don’t have any time to waste.
So let’s get to it! All you need is 20 minutes and a couple of cans or dumbbells for this fun workout.
20-Minute #MomButt Workout To Fire Up and Strengthen Your Glutes
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When Can I Run, Jump & Lift Weights In Postpartum?
When do you “graduate” from postpartum workouts and know you’re ready for heavy lifting, high impact and more intensity? Here’s how to know.
A quick google of the term “postpartum…”
What? don’t pretend you don’t google medical stuff, too!
A quick google of the term “postpartum” will have your head spinning.
Are you postpartum for the 6 weeks before your postpartum checkup?
Are you postpartum for the first 3 months after baby is born, aka the “fourth trimester?”
Are you postpartum for the year of infancy, about 12 months?
Or maybe you’ve encountered the #postpartumisforever trend on social media encouraging women to embrace the changes in their body, however long they may last?

When you move onto high-intensity training depends more on how you feel and less about the exact timeline since your little people were born.
Some mamas might feel ready to lift weights but not jump. Others might love running but feel back pain while attempting to lift heavy.
Understand your body is giving you feedback and use that feedback to adust intensity or exercises according to your needs that day.
Your best best? A qualified coach like our pal Reena Parekh, mama of 2 and co-creator of the Mama Reset Run Well program in our Membership.
Laura sat down for a chat with Reena about moving from mat work to barbells, jumping and running.
Learn the best way to start adding intensity and impact to your workouts, how to know when you’ve pushed too far and what “level” of core training is appropriate for you!
(Hint: when you’re ready to return to running or join that barbell class you’ll still need the core & pelvic floor training, moblility and strength work to support those new routines! Where better to get those supportive workouts than Mama Reset?)
Returning to high-intensity exercise and weightlifting in postpartum with Guest Expert Reena Parekh
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