Cocoa Banana Smoothie

So I’ve been on a bit of a liquid diet since last Friday as I had my four wisdom teeth extracted Saturday afternoon. Good times. Check that one off the list. You have probably heard me say before that I am not a big supporter of protein powders and supplements...

How To Make A Baby: Patrice LaRoche

My grandmother is very tech-savvy but didn’t grow up with the interweb like some of us. Remember when you were 15 and you still actually forwarded all those chain letters and photos you received? Yeah. Well, I don’t always have time to read them all but...

The Best Quinoa Recipe

I make quinoa as often, if not more often, than I make rice these days. Quinoa cooks as easily and more quickly than rice, and is great made in batches as it reheats well without getting soggy or dry. Not to mention quinoa has a great, nutty taste that blows plain old...

Kitchen Cheat Sheet

  As they say, “Abs are made in the kitchen.”You can work out 2 hours per day and eat out every night, and never see the results you want. Studies also show that families who eat dinner together, at home, are not only leaner – they’re...