Challenge Your Core With This Stability Ball Workout (Pelvic Floor Safe)
We’re going WAY beyond “ball crunches” with these seven challenging core moves to fire up core, pelvic floor, back and butt!
Time to drag that old ball out of the basement and put it to good use, mama!
Is this the last time you used your stability ball?
Well, get ready to fall in love with it all over again.
(You can relax in this postion when you’re all done your workout! ?)
We’ve got SEVEN challenging moves you can adapt to increase or decrease intensity for YOUR body while strengthening:
✔️pelvic floor
Sound ON for cues! ?Follow along on the video by watching, then hitting pause to complete 10-15 reps. Press play, then move onto the next!
Try 1-3 rounds for a KILLER core workout you’ll definitely be feeling tomorrow!
These moves come straight from one of our #MamaReset Member Videos!
Registration isn’t open right now but you’ll want to be on this list when the #MamaReset Membership reopens this fall.
Your chance to join the Mama Reset Members Site is coming!
We only open the doors to the #MamaReset Membership a couple of times per year… and we can’t wait to have YOU join our community! With short, follow along videos, done for you workout plans and a motivating tracking system we’re doing all the prep work for you so you just have to hit play and GO!
Keep Exploring
Start Getting Strong
