Curry Sweet Potato, Pepper, & Lentil Soup (Vegan, Gluten-Free)
How many vitamins can you pack in one bowl of soup? ALL OF THEM. This sweet potato, yellow pepper, & lentil soup is so packed with antioxidants we think your doctor should write you a prescription. As if that weren't reason enough to make it, we guarantee...
How To Start Running Today. Like, Today.
We are going to teach you to run right now. With no week-by-week program, no instructor, no iPhone app. If you've always felt like you need to run in order to get in shape, you're not alone. Running is fantastic exercise, and runners tend to be very romantic...
Cottage Workout + Healthy Weekend Tips
Got a tree? Then you've got a workout! Kick off those long weekend cottage (or backyard) mornings with this quick no-equipment cottage workout to energize you for a day of play...or a day on the dock taking "hot dogs or legs" photos. Your call. Rest &...
10 Ways To Get More Exercise (And Get Fitter)
If you’ve ever lost weight (and most of us mommies have!) you know that finding the balance to keep that new, leaner weight is like starring in your own private Indiana Jones sequel, full of all the running, jumping, heavy lifting, sweating, and panic of...
10 Inspiring Instagram Accounts (and how #fitspo sabotages your fitness goals)
"Strong is the new skinny." "Fit is the new black." Well, Instagram is the new Facebook. If you, like us, turn to Instagram for fitness tips and meal inspiration, you might have noticed more and more images like the one above. Aside from shielding your kids'...
Tex-Mex Black Bean & Quinoa Bowl
We eat a lot of quinoa. Why? Because it's easy to make, cooks quickly, and reheats well or tastes fab cold! It's the new rice. Plus, quinoa -- technically a seed, not a grain -- is gluten free, packed with fibre, and full of protein. Here's one of our new fave...