A Softening Breath Practice For Hard Times
Changing our thoughts and behaviour starts with self awareness. Take a few moments to slow down and turn inward with these two breathing practices.
This is a time in our lives like nothing we’ve experienced before. This is a time of seismic change. A time when we are coming face-to-face with our own deep, unconscious racial bias and confronting our white privilege.
We are taking meaningful steps toward real social justice.
And this work is heavy.
But that’s how it should be.
We’re all learning how to show up even when we don’t know exactly what to say. And we might feel afraid we’ll make mistakes. But we need to show up anyway.
Today. Tomorrow. And forever.
We need to make different choices every single day.
And one important fact we’re learning from the anti-racism educators whose courses and books we’re using is this:
Shame and guilt about our white privilege is unproductive.
Punishing ourselves doesn’t engender change — this is a truth we know as coaches, and it rings so true right now.
Brene Brown writes in Daring Greatly about this need to start with ourselves:
“Self-compassion is key because when we’re able to be gentle with ourselves in the midst of shame, we’re more likely to reach out, connect, and experience empathy.”
We are committed to diving into these issues and confronting our short comings personally AND professionally.
We firmly believe that in order to serve our community of mamas, we need to be not just inclusive but actively working against the racism in our communities and the wellness industry where it is so pervasive.
As we do the work of dismantling our own bias and white privilege, we will be sharing the resources we have to offer to help you care for yourself as you pursue your own journey.
?This breathing practice is a great way to center yourself and to deepen your self-awareness and self-compassion.
Come back to it in the evenings before bed or add it to your morning coffee + journaling routine. Or use it as a part of your workout cool-down to calm both body and soul.
With love,
Laura + Dara
Keep Exploring
Start Getting Strong