Bet you’re a multi-tasker, too! Are we right?
It’s kind of a necessity of parenting!
As moms and entrepreneurs we’ve had our fair share of overcommitting and just “winging it”.
And we’re the first to admit that “winging it” just doesn’t work for us.
We often have to stop and remind ourselves that trying to multitask and “wing it” doesn’t work when you’re doing a detailed task or starting a new project.. like home workouts!
Life is hectic. Plan ahead.
Sick kiddos, last minute meetings, lack of motivation- it’s all going to happen. There’s no denying it.
We SO get the ins & outs of mom life, and we know the hardest part of exercising consistently isn’t even the workouts… it’s the overwhelm you feel when you don’t have a plan in place.
Thankfully with a bit of planning you can get yourself organized and tear down those roadblocks that all too often get in our way and detour us from actually getting a workout in.
We’re kind of superstars at helping people get started with exercise, so here are 8 simple steps you can take NOW to cut down on distractions and overwhelm and help you hit PLAY on your workouts with ease and confidence!

8 tips to get you organized and ready to go BEFORE your workout
8️⃣ Do an inventory and gather all the exercise equipment hanging around the house.
7️⃣ Move all your gear to a highly visible spot like a basket in the living room. Push aside some toys and claim a “workout space” now!
6️⃣ Slot in even ONE standing weekly workout time to your fall calendar NOW, just like you would your kid’s weekly swim lesson!
5️⃣ Text a friend or neighbour to set up a weekly walk-&-talk date or to be each other’s home workout accountability buddy.
4️⃣ Write down your goal and get really specific. How do you want to feel? Do you want to be able to do something tangible, like pick up your kiddo without back pain? Write down what future you will GAIN from this routine and stick that on the wall in your workout area!
3️⃣ Choose a reward! Habits are actually strengthened by rewards, like a new set of mini-bands after your first month of workouts? Or booking a fancy yoga studio class once a month to look forward to? Fun!
2️⃣ Decide on the exact workouts you’ll do and which days. (We do this for you inside the Mama Reset Member Community, with done-for-you plans, rewards and follow-along videos! Woohoo!)
1️⃣ Ask your partner and/or older kids to chat for a few minutes about which days and times you’ll do your short workouts. This will help them to anticipate and cooperate with you, as well as putting you “on the hook” to keep your word!
These aren’t random suggestions.
They’re actual steps we take with members all the time.
Just imagine how great it’ll feel to just have to roll out that mat and hit PLAY on a workout?!
You got this, friend! 🙌