“I’m proud I’ve had two babies later in life.” [client feature]
Motherhood is changing, but it can still sometimes feel like we have to keep up with antiquated expectations for women’s bodies and life choices. Blargh. At BB, we’re proud to create community that celebrates every kind of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience....
Halibut with Cilantro Pesto
Last week I shared some of my best tips to get children to eat the meat, fish, poultry and vegetables that should make up the majority of their dinner plate. I have never understood why mothers are willing to prepare separate meals for the adults and...
The Power Of Your Inner Child
I have a confession. Sometimes, when I'm teaching a Belly Bootcamp postnatal class and the babies are sprawled on the floor (or the grass, in the summer), it is the babies - not the mommies - who impress me the most. Don't get me wrong. My clients and Belly...
10 Minute Workouts
For the past 4 months I've been using the Heart & Stroke Foundation's Healthy Weight Action Plan to track my current fitness goals, eating habits and behaviours in my quest to blast off these last 5 pregnancy pounds. These "vanity" pounds are the toughest to lose...
Simplify Exercise With This Just-A-Wall Workout
Can we detangle things? No, not this. I mean this whole fitness thing. Because I think we tend to make exercise and fitness this big, mysterious thing that no one can really quite figure out. Like the Bermuda Triangle, only it's a black hole of badly...
Coping With Sleep Deprivation
As a parent, 9 times out of 10, the first question you get asked is, “So, how is he/she sleeping” – or something to that sentiment. And often, when you honestly shrug and say you aren’t sleeping well, or admit that your baby is still nursing all night long,...