5 Winter Hacks To Motivate & Energize You

5 Winter Hacks To Motivate & Energize You

It's not you. It's science. It’s simply more difficult to feel energized & optimistic when it’s dark for 15 hours of each day. The body works that way. You know how a plant wilts if it doesn't get sunshine? Well, imagine you, in an adult onesie, gripping wine like...

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20 Not-Sad Resolution Ideas [Printable]

20 Not-Sad Resolution Ideas [Printable]

'Tis the season of introspection and self-loathing! Happy New Year! Just kidding. Kind of. If the indulgence and consumerism of the holidays has got you cracking the whip on your own ass, might I suggest you pause for just one minute? Here's something I know from...

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Why Group Exercise Gets Better Results

Why Group Exercise Gets Better Results

  I know what you're thinking. My workout is my ALONE time. That daily home workout or run is your chance to pop your headphones in and block the world out. Believe me, I get it. As a mom, escaping the noise and needs for even 20 minutes can make for a...

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What Do Your Cravings Mean?

What Do Your Cravings Mean?

Cravings. I get them. You get them. I’m pretty sure the first female humans started walking upright just to get a better vantage point on where exactly one might find some carbs.     I don’t tend to get daytime cravings. For me, daytime is busy, packed with...

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we're Laura + Dara

We're lifelong trainers and mom friends, and we're on a mission to help you hit reset on your relationship with exercise and start LOVING the way it feels to live in YOUR body!

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