Crispy Baked Parsnip Fries

Crispy Baked Parsnip Fries

  The options are endless with these sweet and savoury parsnip fries. Burger night. Movie snack. Brunch side dish. They're a fab change from the plain ol' potato and full of heart-healthy vitamins and minerals. Ah, fries. If I could find a way to justify eating...

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Do You Need A Post-Workout Meal?

Do You Need A Post-Workout Meal?

    Quick! You're done your Belly Bootcamp class or home workout and you need to eat, right? Save the shower, calling your girlfriend, and putting baby down for a nap. You need to stuff this protein bar into your face in the next 45 minutes or your workout...

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The Most Amazing Beef Stew

The Most Amazing Beef Stew

  Stew is the perfect make-ahead meal! Serve up a warming bowl of this flavour-packed stew on Sunday and save the rest for an easy night of leftovers on a busy weeknight. It took 8 years for me to get my stew game up to the point where my little ones would eat...

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Relieve Mama Pain & Stress With DIY Acupressure

Relieve Mama Pain & Stress With DIY Acupressure

Sore. Stressed. Stiff. Sounds like motherhood, doesn't it? Well, it doesn't have to. The truth is, most of us don't spend nearly enough time on self-care to combat all the stressors in our mama lives. Think career, kiddo milestones or homework - depending on which...

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we're Laura + Dara

We're lifelong trainers and mom friends, and we're on a mission to help you hit reset on your relationship with exercise and start LOVING the way it feels to live in YOUR body!

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