Tasty Tex-Mex Breakfast Casserole

Tell your kiddos it’s “taco” casserole and wave bye-bye to processed breakfast cereals. Get organized for the week with this yummy make-ahead breakfast, mama!


Tasty Tex-Mex Breakfast Casserole

This make ahead breakfast is the perfect #momhack for busy mornings that will definitely win over the whole family.  

Now that summer is here, the amount of time you want to spend in a hot kitchen is seriously limited!

We totally get it! Which is why we’re big fans of batch cooking on weekends. Preparing a bunch of meals that you can just pull out of the fridge, heat up quickly and enjoy.

We totally understand that it’s not always easy to get into the swing of things when it comes to make ahead meals….and if that’s something you struggle with, stay with us…we want to help you with the life changing art of meal prepping.

 Mamas need structure 

Getting organized can feel overwhelming at first. If you’ve never planned or prepped meals, or never planned workouts, there is a learning curve. Once you get into the groove, though, planning is like its own anti-anxiety medication. 

Planning is like the Xanax of motherhood. Well, other than actual Xanax. So, sidebar: if you’re feeling super overwhelmed or uncontrollably anxious or depressed, you have to talk to your doctor, mama. Medicine exists to help us manage otherwise unmanageable times. 

Calm Thyself

If you’re just the kind of anxious that comes from not taking control of your time, we can’t tell you HOW much planning and prepping your food is going to change your life, the way you eat, and how you feel on a daily basis. 

Breakfast is easy to throw together at the last minute. (Hello, instant oatmeal, we’re looking at you.) Truly nutritious breakfasts that are packed with protein and vitamins don’t come out of a tiny paper bag or a big yellow box, sadly.

Plus — come on — cereal is the breakfast of sadness.

It’s like our parents gave it to us from birth and we can’t imagine the rainbow of possibilities beyond a bowl of processed grain products.

We can do better, mamas

We know you’ll enjoy the ease of this delicious, kid-friendly make-ahead breakfast casserole. 

PSSST: It’s also totally fancy enough for a brunch or makes a great contribution to a potluck playdate or lunch.

Download this printable Tex Mex Breakfast Casserole Recipe

Play around with veggie, meat and cheese combinations that work for you and your family. Consider this recipe your template for amazing but simple make-ahead egg casseroles to get you through the summer season. 

And who doesn’t love a little Tex Mex?

?? #MomHack: call this “Taco Casserole” and you’ll win over the ankle biter set. Trust us.

Tex-Mex Breakfast Casserole

Yields 9-12 slices


  • 12 large eggs, beaten
  • ½ – ¾ lb lean ground pork or beef
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1 medium yellow potato, 1-cm diced
  • 1 red pepper, chopped
  • 3 cups baby spinach, chopped
  • 1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 3 scallions, chopped
  • ½ cup grated cheddar cheese
  • sea salt + fresh ground pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease a 9×13″ baking dish well with oil or butter.
  2. In large pan over medium, warm chili powder for 1 minute until fragrant. Add meat; cook until just browned.
  3. Add potato + garlic to pan, and cook 10 minutes, stirring, until soft.
  4. Add red pepper and half of scallions; cook 2-3 minutes.
  5. Remove pan from heat; mix in spinach + cilantro. Cool partially.
  6. Combine all ingredients except cheese in baking dish, and spread evenly. Sprinkle with shredded cheese.
  7. Bake 23-25 minutes until set but not too brown. Garnish with remaining scallions.

Grab the printable version right here! Click to download and print.

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