Standing Mini Band Workout for Mamas

This tiny piece of equipment really turns up the heat-
taking basic exercises to the next level. 

Seriously, give us a mat and we can come up with ONE THOUSAND reasons never to get off of it. We love training core, butt and pelvic floor on the mat, and the #miniband is a perfect addition to level-up your mat exercises.

We are so in love with mini-bands that we’re adding them to our #MamaReset Member Workouts this month. They’re cheap and cheerful, plus you can take them anywhere and do SO. MANY. exercises with them!

BUT there are those times you just want to keep it simple. No getting on and off the floor. No dealing with multiple pieces of equipment. No clearing the toy explosion off the living room floor to make space for your workout.

We. Got. Your. Back.

These 6 moves require minimal space, they’re all done standing, and they’ll whip you into shape, head to toe!

??‍♀️??‍???‍♀️ Of course, in true Dara and Laura style, they’re also packed with glute- and core-strengthening movements.

Total Body Standing Miniband Workout

?? Start with the first three exercises, doing 10-15 reps of each, or each leg. Repeat the circuit 2-3 times.

?? Then move onto the second set of 3 exercises, doing 10-15 reps of each, or each leg. Repeat that circuit 2-3 times.

? BAM. Head to toe: upper body, legs, glutes and core. No mat required!

Circuit One

This circuit will activate your core and glutes, helping you get strong and connected.

  • Standing hip abduction: 10-15 per leg
  • Standing hip abduct + leg extension: 10-15 per leg
  • Single leg hinge + glute pulse: 10-15 per leg

Repeat the entire circuit for 2-3 sets total.

Circuit Two

This circuit will rev your heart rate and get upper + lower body working together!

  • Sumo squat + lat pull, alternating arms: 10-12 per arm
  • Single leg deadlift: 10-12 per leg
  • Standing superwoman: 10-12 per leg

Repeat the entire circuit for 2-3 sets total.

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