

Week One: Plan and Prep

Time management. It’s a thing.

We know life is crazy. It might seem like there’s no possible way to make MORE time for cooking.

But wait. Who’s talking about MORE time? We just want you to shift WHEN you do your planning and cooking.

Borrow Time

Instead of:

  • scrambling to find something for lunch or wasting money on crummy grocery store salads;

  • rifling through the pantry at 6PM trying to come up with some new, healthier way to serve pasta;

  • ordering in pizza because you didn’t have a plan for soccer night;

  • devoting 30-60 minutes each evening cooking from scratch instead of cuddling and relaxing…

Plan + prep. It’s that simple.

Multitasking Munchables

Meal prep gets easier the more you do it.

You might see those #mealprep Instagram fitness celebs portioning out perfectly weighed and measured dishes and generally shaping their lives around chicken breasts and broccoli.

That’s not the kind of meal prep we’re talking about here.

We want your meals to be shaped around your life, not the other way around. That’s exactly why we want you to use recipes that serve multiple purposes and learn a few basics you can throw together in a flash.

The Best Eating Plan

We’ve gathered a few go-to recipes that are perfect multi-taskers.

Then we’ve created a sample week of healthful meals to show you how something like a quick pasta or simple chicken breast can be used in different ways to minimize the number of recipes you need to prep in advance, and keep cooking time quick — or non-existent — each weekday.


Because making this whole thing work for YOU is the only way you’re going to stick with it, mama, so you can maintain these habits in the long run.

Basically, at the end of 6 weeks, you shouldn’t even need us anymore. Leave the nest, little birdie!

Week One: How To Do It

?? First, hop on up to the “Start Here” button in our header if you haven’t yet, and we’ll break down the whole 1-2-3 of your weekly Nourish lessons for you!

Now, grab these five “starter” recipes to begin your meal prep collection. You’ll notice these recipes aren’t the fanciest ones you’ve ever seen, but that’s because basics are the things we ACTUALLY make most of the time. They’re the canvas for your sauces + condiments + food combinations that are part of your family’s unique eating culture.

We’ll be sharing recipes on the #MamaReset Facebook Community, so be sure to hop on over and grab a few more new recipes from your #MamaReset squad, where there are always tons of vegan, gluten-free, and other options! You can also share your weekly plan below OR send us an email to let us know what you will be making this week.

Here we go! ???

Week One: Planner

Start by downloading and printing your Weekly Plan + Reflect and the Meal Prep Planner to help you get organized for the week.