5 Feel-Good Big Batch Soups
Soup. The universal comfort food. From the fanciest seafood bisque to the humblest clean-out-the-veggie-crisper stew, there are probably very few humans on earth who don’t eat soup. I have always loved soup. As a mama, I realized soup’s amazing potential to condense...
C-Section Shame, Healing + Exercise Tips
You've got your birth plan all laid out. Awesome music, no medication, your trusted doula. Then the big day comes and despite all your prep, planning and positive imagery, you're whisked to the operating room for a cesarean section before you can even...
10 High Protein Make-Ahead Breakfasts For Mamas
Vegan. Vegetarian. Paleo. Gluten Free. It's really hard not to fall into a nutrition "camp" these days. After all, slapping a label on something and dividing people is a classic power strategy. Isn't that how all the Mommy Wars started? You had to be EITHER an...
5 Ways to Legs-Up-the-Wall for a Relaxing Hip & Leg Stretch
Mobility, flexibility and breath work is often that “throwaway” part of an exercise program. Nice if you have time for it but sometimes seems not worth the hassle. Bow out of savasana and end the online yoga class early? Extra time for a shower. Skip the...
Surviving New Mom Sleep Deprivation Without Sleep Training
It might be a few weeks, or a few months. Maybe even a few years. But that night-after-night waking is going to get to you. If you're just not up for sleep training or "crying it out," how do you manage your sleep? And your mood? THIS SHIT IS REAL. Sleep deprivation...
Running In Postpartum: Tips From A Physiotherapist
You've had the baby. You've got the jogging stroller. You've been cleared by your OB-GYN to "return to exercise." So you should start running, right? Not so fast. Running is not just fast walking. Running involves form. Speed. Gait. Incline. Endurance. Impact....