OK, let’s be honest. We HAVE TIME for exercise.
I mean, getting out to your weekly BB class is a TREAT, and it’s possible because you’re bringing your little one with you. But you don’t need to do an hour for it to be worthwhile.
And when it comes to finding 10 or 15 minutes to move those mama muscles, we’ve all got enough time.
We don’t have enough motivation. We imagine there’s only one way to “work out” and it’s gotta be jump squats, pushups, lunges and sprints until we puke.
Because that’s how you fitness, right? ?
But mamas are busy. You’re busy. And you don’t get a lot of time to yourself. So it’s H-A-R-D to go from that warm bed in the morning straight to jumping jacks. It’s medieval torture to go from the couch straight to lunges. I get it.
So start on the floor.
Start with the basics, start with the approachable stuff. Start with the feel-good floor exercises. Start with the glute bridges. Start with the stretches. Start with the child’s pose.
Sometimes we have that feeling in our bodies that we should move. We want to move. We’ve got energy, we’re tired of sitting around, maybe we’re a wee bit achey and stiff. All that momming will do that to you.
Movement would feel soooo good.
But what should you do?
Odds are you’ve got so many options you’re paralyzed with choice. DVD? Run? Pinterest workout? That squat challenge your friend shared? Or maybe a core workout? Aren’t you supposed to be doing pelvic floor work?