Baby is here and you feel ready to move your body. What can you do to start healing and rebuilding your strength before your 6-week postpartum checkup? These 5 safe moves will help you realign your posture and close a diastasis recti.
Your top priority after baby arrives should be rest. No exercise, diet, supplement, or splint is going to repair you like good old fashioned time. But when you feel the itch to start moving your body, these moves are the perfect thing to kick start your mind-body connection and begin reconnecting to your core.
Remember, it’s not about speed here, but perfect form and mindfulness. Start with two to three minutes of deep core/diaphragmatic breathing. And then do eight to 20 reps of each exercise—only do as many as you can with correct form.
You can do these exercises every day, or when you feel the energy to connect with your body and focus your mind. They are intentional, thoughtful and effective. And they’ll go a long way to getting you ready for your very first Belly Bootcamp class after baby!
Due to editing for time, the description of pelvic floor contraction and diaphragmatic breathing is shortened. Please check out our Core Resources for more information on safe exercise in postpartum.
Belly Bootcamp is proud to produce a series of exercise videos in partnership with Canada’s foremost magazine for parents, Today’s Parent. Watch for more videos in this series!