Core Reboot Starter Pack
Core Reboot Starter Pack
At #MamaReset, our philosophy is that EVERY workout is a core workout if you’re doing it right. But that doesn’t mean you know how to “do it right” when you first get started! So we’d like to suggest you spend a little bit of extra time getting to know your core and pelvic floor in these early weeks of your #MamaResetMembers journey.
☝? We’ve selected one core training video per week to follow for your first 4 weeks, in addition to your recommended weekly workouts. Use it as your warmup on workout days or do it in the evening in front of the TV. You can also just do it as a stand-alone workout any day. This will help you to pattern your core breathing and practice engaging better.
✌?In addition, we’ve rounded up some fantastic resources to help you honestly assess how your core and pelvic floor are functioning now, which exercises might be right for you or not best at this stage, and how your core should “feel” when you’re engaging it correctly. We recommend you work through these videos and printables during your first 4 weeks with us, setting you up with a strong foundation of knowledge for your #MamaReset workouts and to reap the core training benefits of all the other things you do: walking, your favourite yoga class, momming and all!
??? As always, reach out to us with comments. We love when you share questions and comments in our private members Facebook community so other mamas can benefit from the conversation too.
Welcome to our community, and enjoy getting started! ?
– Laura + Dara
Get to Know your Core after Kids
VIDEO 1: Abdominal separation, core dysfunction + why it matters
First, let’s discuss which core muscles you should be most focused on, the symptoms of a less-functional core, and how to test yourself for Diastasis Recti/abdominal separation, plus why it matters.
- A mat
- A pen and your printed worksheet (worksheet below video)
VIDEO 2: How to engage your core during exercise + daily life
In part two, we’ll review what a properly engaged core and pelvic floor feels like, and discuss how posture and alignment, breathing and form can turn any movement into a core exercise, when executed well.
- A mat
- A firm chair
- A throw pillow, rolled up blanket or yoga block
- A pen and your worksheet (worksheet below video)