How To Use The Strength Videos and Walking Goals
While specific core-retraining is a crucial part of rehabilitating and strengthenig your core, it’s equally important to learn how to engage your core and pelvic floor doing a variety of movements.
Each week you’ll find two recommended #MamaReset workouts designed to help you layer full-body movement on top of your core and pelvic floor learning.
You’ll also receive a weekly walking goal, helping you to find more time for walking OR challenging you to take your walking up a notch to a strength-building “workout” level.
? We recommend you perform each recommended workout and your weekly walking goal at least ONCE, as each provides a slightly different focus.
You may choose to perform these workouts more than once, alternating them throughout your week. You can combine them on a few days, or do different components on different days.
Try using your core component video as a warm up or cool down, or save it for your non-strength days.
Remember: you can customize the schedule to YOUR needs and calendar!
Workouts can also be layered together in the same day. For example:
- 9AM: Core component video + walk
- 2PM: Mama Reset strengthening workout
- 9PM: Restorative release before bed
Not EVERY day needs to be a “workout” day.
You may also choose active rest, simply doing your regular household tasks and childcare, or perhaps a simple stroll to the playground and a few stretches, if that feels right.