Should You Do A Plank Challenge? Try the #PlankReset Instead!

Should you do a Plank Challenge? Hmmm... it depends. Take the #PlankReset Challenge instead!


Should you do a
Plank Challenge?
Try the #PlankReset instead.

Skip the never ending plank holds and try a more functional challenge. We’ve got fun and effective plank variations to get your core and pelvic floor working for you!

Go for it. Just type “plank” into the google bar and see it come up as one of the top searches: the ubiquitous PLANK CHALLENGE. We’ve seen every kind of plank challenge you can imagine, building up to as long as 5 or even 10 minutes.

But will that plank challenge actually improve your core strength?

Well, sort of. Maybe.

Not sure if you’re ready to plank? Grab this 8 Steps To The Perfect Plank Infographic and see what level YOU should be at!

What is the point of plank, anyway?

To understand HOW to use plank in your own exercise routine, you first should understand what the plank exercise does for you!

The plank is derived from Pilates, originally as a moving exercise done with reps, NOT a long, static hold. When the exercise world started to do away with military sit-ups and crunches in the early 00’s, the plank became the core exercise of choice.

✌️And the yoga pant became the apparel of choice.

In a nutshell, the plank exercise trains the abdominal muscles to engage against gravity and hold the spine straight. According to research, the plank is TWICE as effective at activating the abdominal muscles when compared to the poor old sit-up.

And, since it uses the glutes, shoulders and legs at the same time, you definitely feel the burn when you pop into a plank position. ?

So, plank can be a good OR poor choice for your workouts if you consider a couple of factors:

❌ If you’re unable to engage your core because the plank is too challenging OR you’re holding so long you can no longer maintain good form, you’re not reaping the benefits of plank.

?‍♀️ If you’re focusing on mega-long holds — like that 5-minute hold on day 30 of your plank challenge — you have to ask yourself: What is this preparing me for in REAL life?

To make plank effective, it should be:

  • done in a way that allows you to feel your core + pelvic floor engaging; this could mean from the knees, on an incline, in a side plank position, OR by adding movement;

  • done in a way that transfers over to real life and daily movement; think of getting on and off the floor, crawling, and playing… NOT holding yourself over a hot bed of coals in a completely still position for 5 minutes straight.

So, if you’re ready to plank, may we present to you:

The #PlankReset Challenge Just For Mamas!

Join us on a 10-day #PlankReset Challenge designed to help you connect to your core and improve your plank.

10 days to improve your plank. Just a minute a day!

Just sign up below to get instant access to your challenge printable and exercises.

Don’t forget to share your own #PlankReset photos on IG and tag us @themamareset so we can cheer you on!

    Your email is safe with us, mama. We only send really great content and you can unsubscribe anytime.

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    1. 10 minute plank practice - Mama Reset - […] for more #plankspiration! You can still follow along with our 10 Day Plank Reset Challenge to add some fun…

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